Medication Administration at School

Whenever possible and appropriate, families and physicians are encouraged to schedule medications to be given at home under parental supervision. If medications are needed during the school day, please contact the nurse at your child’s school so you may work together to determine a safe and effective plan for your child. Arrangements will be made with the parent regarding how the medication will be delivered to the school.


Prescription medication

  • Parental permission to provide medications at school is needed each year
  • Medications must be in the original pharmacy container with the proper label including the child’s name, dose, route and time of administration

Non-prescription medication or Over the Counter (OTC)

  • Parental permission to provide medications at school is needed each year
  • Physician signature with medication name, dose, route and time of administration
  • Medications must be in the original container


  •  Middle and High school students may receive up to a total of five age-appropriate doses of Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen in a given school year with parent permission
  • Iowa law permits a student to carry and administer emergency airway medications with annual parent and physician permission.

Request for Giving Medicine at School

Self-Administered Medication Consent Form