McCombs Golden Eagles Induct New Members, Receive Grant

McCombs teacher Steven Fisher is presented with a $1,000 grant from WOI-TV in support of the Golden Eagles student leadership society.

Steven Fisher, one of the McCombs Middle School Golden Eagles’ teacher sponsors, was awarded a $1,000 grant from Channel 5’s “One Classroom at a Time” during induction ceremonies for 163 student leaders at the school earlier today.  The grant was presented by news anchor Racheal Pierce and will be used to fund student leadership trainings.

The Golden Eagles are McCombs’ prestigious student leadership society and their primary focus is to create a positive school culture. All McCombs students are expected to take ownership of their own behavior, and Golden Eagles have pledged to assist others in monitoring and self-regulating their behaviors. As part of the application process, students were required to write an essay explaining why they would make an effective student leader and complete two hours of community service.

Golden Eagles who regularly display positive leadership are encouraged to engage in community service, and earn incentive rewards including field trips.  Some of the Golden Eagles will also be attending leadership academy training thanks to today’s award.

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