Superintendent Sebring Makes Resignation Effective Today; Tom Ahart to Serve as Acting Superintendent

The following statement is from School Board chair Teree Caldwell-Johnson on Dr. Nancy Sebring’s decision to make her resignation from Des Moines Public Schools effective Thursday, May 10:

“Dr. Sebring has informed the Board that she wishes to change her resignation date to be effective today. We understand and appreciate her wish to have some additional time as she prepares for her transition to Omaha, and we support her request to make that happen. On behalf of the Board, I want to thank Dr. Sebring for her service to the school district and community and wish her well in the future.

“Under our succession plan, our Associate Superintendent, Tom Ahart, will serve as acting Superintendent. On Tuesday the Board will vote on him serving in the role of interim Superintendent throughout our search for a permanent replacement. Tom brings a depth of experience to this role, having been a principal and classroom teacher as well as overseeing human resources and curriculum on a district-wide level. We appreciate his willingness to serve in this new capacity to keep our district moving forward.”